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Photos for 2009 Calendar

Posted By: Mo Sheldon
Date: Nov 22, 2008; 9:37 p.m.

I am putting together the layout for the 2009 PPG calendar and am looking for some of your best pictures from 2008. From over a 1000 photos I look at, I only select about 2 dozen that end up in the calendar. If you think you have some photos that are calendar worthy, please send them by email to me at

Here are the requirements for the submitted photos:
-Must be an original, untouched, high resolution digital image, 5 MP or higher
-Must have at least one PPG in it or be PPG related. I give special preference to photos with more than one flying vehicle in them or tell a cool story in a beautiful way.
-For each photo, please provide the photographers full name, date taken, location taken, and pilot(s) who appear in the photo. A title for each photo is optional.




Messages In This Thread

Photos for 2009 Calendar -- 383 views -- Mo Sheldon -- Nov 22, 2008; 9:37 p.m.
Re: Photos for 2009 Calendar -- 278 views -- Adam B -- Nov 24, 2008; 9:20 a.m.
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