Here is a list of useful PPG sites and maps. Be sure to suggest a site if one is not listed.
This is a fantastic site for both beginners to advanced pilots. Giant, open area with few obstacles in every direction. The area is tended once every several months to make a clearing for a nice set of dirt runways. Many RC folks use this site, but it has become popular as an ultra light field. It is relatively close to I-10 so it is easy to get to from both Phoenix and Tucson. Lots of opportunities to do some nice XC with mountains to the North and the West, farmland to the South, and Casa Grande to the East. One thing to watch for is the Casa Grande Airport which is located about 5 miles away to the NE.
Please be Considerate of the RC Pilots!
Keep in mind that the RC pilots launch off the dirt runways. An informal arrangement with them is to KEEP AWAY FROM THEM! We have done this by launching about 100 to 200 yards south of the dirt runways and stay well clear of their operations. A good rule of thumb is to stay to the South, as they make their pattern to the North. Keep in mind that from our perspective we may feel like we are far away, but in numerous discussion with the RC pilots they feel like we are too close. When it comes down to it, the RC pilots have been there a lot longer than us, and it only helps to respect their space.
If RC pilots are present and/or flying RC aircraft, stay a good distance to the south of the dirt runways. If there is no RC activity going and/or no RC pilots are there, have at it.
I-10 to Casa Grande
Exit at 190, McCartney Rd and turn West
Go between 1/4 to 1/2 mile to white colored gas pipeline headers.
Take a left on the dirt road
Follow dirt road for 0.6 miles.
After a small "172" sign, go about 100' more and turn right toward dirt runway.
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Web sites:
Latitude: 32.92898 or 32°55.7388'
Longitude: -111.70901 or -111°42.5406' 

This is a fantastic site for both beginners to advanced pilots. A large LZ with lots of rockless and vegetation free surface area. Great site for practicing takeoff and landings. Cross country trips to the N and NE provide natural desert terrain and mountains to soar or eye from the sky. This LZ is right next to an active runway, use extreme caution when climbing high, crossing over the runway or crossing the extended centerline of the runway. Fast moving GA and ultralight aircraft frequently use this airport for recreational and training purposes.
Approach from the N (Phoenix):
- Take I-10 East to Tucson.
- Exit at Queen Creek Rd., turn right (West)
- Go 16 miles on Queen Creek Rd. which becomes Maricopa Rd. Arrive in town of Maricopa. Keep going past the sign for Hwy 238 North/Smith Enkie Road and keep driving for about a mile.
- At Maricopa-Casa Grande Hwy 238, turn left (SE). There is a small sign here, but also take notice of the blue NAPA AutoParts building and the silver train car on both corners. (N33-03.410 W112-02.876)
- Go about 8 miles on Maricopa-Casa Grande Hwy 238 past all the cows farms.
- At Anderson Rd., turn left (look for three, large, beige water towers on the corner) (N32-59.022 W111-55.749)
- After abut 200 feet, Anderson Road becomes a dirt road. Continue straight for about 1/2 mile.
- At Copperstate Road, turn right.
- Go about 1/2 mile down this road to the grass field.
Approach from the S (Casa Grande, Tucson):
- I-10 West to Phoenix
- Exit at I-8, turn left (West). Go about 4 to 5 miles on I-8.
- Exit at Thornton Rd, turn right (North). For about 4 to 6 miles.
- At Cottonwood Lane, turn left (West) at the interchange light.
- Go about 8 to 10 miles. Cottonwood will turn into Maricopa-Casa Grande Hwy 238 heading NorthWest. You will pass a FritoLay plant on the right.
- At Anderson Rd., turn right (look for three, large, beige water towers on the corner) (N32-59.022 W111-55.749)
- After abut 200 feet, Anderson Road becomes a dirt road. Continue straight for about 1/2 mile.
- At Copperstate Road, turn right.
- Go about 1/2 mile down this road to the grass field.
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Websites:
Latitude: 32° 59.30'
Longitude: -111.919 or -111°55.14'

AirNav Flight Planning
Airport web site |

This is one of the most popular flying sites in the NW valley, the LZ is peppered with small to medium sized rocks, so not an ideal foot launch training or kiting. The LZ is quite large with room for takeoff and landing in any direction. Development is creeping in on this site so use common sense to preserve the use for as long as possible. The CAP canal runs E and W just to the north of the LZ. Power lines run along the N and W side of the LZ. Flight is possible in almost all directions, to the W is the Agua Fria River, it offers some great scenery and some wildlife viewing opportunities. Wild Burros, Javelina, Coyotes, and Deer have been spotted along the river and surrounding areas. Deer Valley airport has a Class E surface area that extends to about 99th Ave and just to the SE of the LZ. Class E surface areas are a no-fly zone for PPGs. The winds can be tricky at this site due to the mountainous terrain to the W and N and the low lying river bottom. As always, if you want more information, have questions or want to fly with those who frequent this site, just post on the bulletin board.
CAUTION: DVT Class E Surface Area to the East See Airspace Diagram Here
Approach from the S:
North on I-17 to Carefree Hwy exit (Hwy 74)
Take Carefree Hwy to Lake Pleasant Rd (99th Ave)
Turn Left or S
Continue down Lake Pleasant Rd for about 1.7 miles
Turn right on the dirt road/trail just past the CAP canal (on top of the crest/hill)
Follow the dirt road along side the CAP canal to the W
Then make a left just past the temporary water pipe and head to the LZ
NOTE: A temporary water line is running N and S at the E edge of the LZ, pro cede N almost up to the canal to go around the water line to the LZ
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Websites:
Latitude: 32° 55' 73.88" N
Longitude: 111° 42' 54.06" W 

This is a well known and VERY ACTIVE sailport, there is glider and glider towing activity everyday from about 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM. There are also some popular and VERY ACTIVE aerobatic boxes, one just to the NE of the airport and one further E just N of Carefree Hwy. USE CAUTION! Please do not loiter around the airport near normal operation times. USE CAUTION when flying abeam approach ends of runways, faster GA traffic may not see you or even be looking for you. This geographic location is prone to drainage winds that flow in the early morning from the north along the Agua Fria to the south. Pay attention to the windsock before launch, if it's rough and you don't feel comfortable flying to the west of the airport over the Agua Fria river area, head more east and usually you will find much smoother air. If it is just too strong for your taste, Norterra is only a few minutes drive to the east on Carefree Hwy.
Please park and launch on the north side of the airport in the area bordered by blue in the picture above. The best way to get to the north side LZ area is to enter the glider park off of Carefree Hwy just a few hundred yards to the W of 99th Ave. Look for the Big Red windsock along Carefree Hwy and turn S, follow the gravel road to the north side LZ.
If there are many gliders or trailers parked on the N side, find a good open area to launch and land, we don't want anyone hitting and damaging someone's sailplane or trailer. Most of the time it is wide open, but there are times where more sailplanes and trailers are parked on the N side, stay clear and give yourself plenty of room and options just incase.
It a privilege to be able to utilize this site for paragliding, the owners and management have been very receptive and open to our use of this property, DONT SCREW IT UP! If you didn't get it the first time, DONT SCREW IT UP!
CAUTION: DVT Class E Surface Area to the East See Airspace Diagram Here
Just to the SW of the HWY 74 and 99th Ave intersection. Enter on HWY 74 at the Big Red Windsock located a few hundred yards W of 99th Ave on Carefree Hwy.
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Web sites:
Latitude: 33° 48' 03.87" N
Longitude: 112° 14' 56.54" W
This site is not ideal for training or student flight, established flyers will enjoy what this site has to offer. Skunk Creek is just to the W and you can get down in it and follow it to the N up to Carefree Hwy. There is often wildlife in the dry creek, Javelina, Coyotes and Cows. Head off to the E to the 14th Street site and see if anyone is flying over there. The hills to the E and NE offer some great exploration opportunities as well as soaring if the winds are right.
CAUTION: Deer Valley Class D airspace is just to the S of the large transfer station located just to the S of the LZ. Review your sectional or PHX TAC.
Click Here For Latest Site Map Details
From Cave Creek Road
Cave Creek Rd N to Carefree Hwy
W to North 27th Drive
Turn south (left) on 27th Drive
Turn left on North Valley Parkway
Go about 1.7 miles, just before North Valley Parkway curves to the left into a wash, make a right on a paved road
Then immediately turn right and follow the dirt road that parallels North Valley Parkway to the North
Veer left on one of the trails to the LZ clearing area
From I-17 and Carefree Hwy
Exit I-17 at Carefree Hwy and head East
for less than a mile
Turn south (right) on 27th Drive
Turn left on North Valley Parkway
Go about 1.7 miles, just before North Valley Parkway curves to the left into a wash, make a right on a paved road
Then immediately turn right and follow the dirt road that parallels North Valley Parkway to the North
Veer left on one of the trails to the LZ clearing area
From Happy Valley Road
Proceed north on Norterra Pkwy (between I-17 and 19th Ave)
Follow Norterra Pkwy for approx 2 miles
Turn left on 23rd Ave (3 way stop just past the canal)
Go about 1.6 miles, just after North Valley Parkway curves through the wash, make a right on a paved road
Then immediately turn right and follow the dirt road that parallels North Valley Parkway to the North
Veer left on one of the trails to the LZ clearing area
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Websites:
Latitude: 33° 45' 57.77" N
Longitude: 112° 06' 52.45" W

This is a fantastic site for both beginners to advanced pilots. Giant, open area to launch and land. This is an ideal spot in the NW for training and sight seeing. This spot was cleared by a group who fly R/C aircraft, although no R/C flying has yet been observed. Please do not tear up this site with ATVs etc, lets keep it as it is so we may fly here for a long time. There is much to discover from this site, head W or NW to the Hassyampa River for gorgeous views of the canyon walls, endless stretches of sandy river bed and the wildlife. As you venture up to the NW down the river, there is a rusty train bridge that is really cool to view from above, as it is right in a bend to the left in the canyon. Use caution once past the train bridge and heading NW down the river, there are a few sets of power lines stretching across the river. Most are not marked and some are a single wire, very hard to see. Just pay attention and keep your scan up, may be a good idea to stay 200' to 500' your first time. A railroad track runs along the river on the SW side after you've passed the train bridge, it's really cool if you get to see a train winding through the canyon and in and out of the tall Cottonwood trees. Further down, you better be thinking of "outs" due to the long stretch of nothing but very tall Cottonwood trees that fill the entire width of the river bottom for a few miles. Stay high and keep a landing spot in mind as you progress just incase. Pilots have flown from Ogden past Wickenburg via the Hassyampa on many occasions. It's about a 15 mile one way trip, just be aware of the weather and fuel consumption. If you head S or SE from the LZ, you will run into an abandon auxillury air force base called Luke AUX 4. It's about 6-7 miles S-SE of the LZ, it's triangular runways can still be made out as long as you are a few hundred feet above.
I-17 to Carefree Hwy or (Hwy 74)
Left on Hwy 60
Go 1/4 of a mile or so and turn right on Gates Rd
Cross the railroad tracks and make a left on Ogden
Follow Ogden for about 1.7 miles, a dirt trail on the left will take you to the LZ
You can also get here by taking Grand Ave which turns into Hwy 60 and make a left at Gates Rd.
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Websites:
Latitude: 33° 49' 50.63" N
Longitude: 112° 37' 47.56" W

This is a fantastic site for both beginners to advanced pilots. Giant, open area to launch and land. This is an ideal spot in the NW for training. Balloon pilots often launch and land from this spot so chances are, you may be sharing the air with some colorful and fun to play with friends. Takeoffs and landings can be made in most any direction, the LZ is very large. Caution: Deer Valley class D airspace is just to the south, the foothills to the south are about where the class D starts. Watch out for helicopters as they have a training area just to the south of the LZ. Do not over fly any residential areas.
NOTE: The old bag (that's being too nice) that lives just to the left of the entrance gate frequently hassles anyone accessing the land. This includes trying to block you or your vehicle, threatening to call the cops etc. If you have an AZ State Land Trust Use Permit, you are legally allowed to access this land and use this entrance. If the old goat threatens to call the fuzz, tell her not to bother and that you will gladly call them for her. Just drive respectfully without kicking up much dust or making excessive noise and we will hopefully keep this area on the sites list.
I-17 or Cave Creek Road north to Carefree Hwy
From I-17 go E on Carefree Hwy to 14th Street (From Cave Creek Road, go W to 14th)
Turn S on 14th Street and follow it to the end
Open the cattle gate and follow the dirt trail to the left, it will meander to the south
The LZ is between the two foothills and just to the south.
This road is a bit rough and best handled with a pickup or other somewhat high clearance vehicles.
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Web sites:
Latitude: 33° 46' 01.39" N
Longitude: 112° 03' 06.67" W

Mo Sheldon's private airstrip, contact Mo for permission before attempting to fly to or from this location.
Motown is an amazing haven for flying. You can either fly in or drive in. We have a huge PPG launch area and 2 hard packed silky smooth dirt runways. The EW runway is 2700’ long and 65’ wide! Surrounded by pristine desert mountains and incredible wildlife, this 80 acre haven is ideal for Ultralight, LSA, and GA flying. Located just 30 miles to the South East of Phoenix, this site can be difficult to find and drive to. But the rewards of finding and flying here far out weigh the adventure of getting there.
Photos and Slide Show of MoTown Fly-In November 2007
GPS Coordinates:
- 32 55' 30.00"N
- 112 15' 34.00"W
Runway Details
There are 2 hard packed dirt runways and a taxiway to park aircraft. Buckets of sand are available as tie-downs. Park your aircraft in the taxiway on the NW side of the EW runway. Aircraft patterns are to the South or West. Please avoid flying over the NE area as there will be people shooting guns towards the NE hill.
- The E-W runway is 2700' long by 65' wide.
- The N-S Runway is 2000' long by 40' wide.
For more info please call Mo Sheldon at 602-692-7995.
Driving Directions to Motown:
Approach from the North (from Phoenix, Maricopa):
- Head South on I-10 East towards Tucson.
- Take Exit 164 at Hwy 347/Queen Creek Rd., turn right (West).
- Go 14.7 miles on Hwy 347/ Queen Creek Rd. which arrives in town of Maricopa.
- Turn right (North) on Hwy 238/Smith Enkie Road towards the town of Mobile. Drive 11.5 miles.
- After mile marker 33, turn left (South) on 83rd Ave.
Approach from the South (from Casa Grande, Tucson):
Note: Do not attempt to come up Vekol Road off I-8. Although it looks shorter on a map, there are some nasty washes to traverse that may get you very stuck.
- Head Northwest on I-10 West towards Phoenix.
- Take Exit 194 and turn left (West) at Hwy 287/Florence Blvd. Drive 4.1 miles.
- Turn right (North) on Pinal Ave/Hwy 387. Drive 1.0 mile.
- Turn left (West) on Cottonwood Ln. After about 2 miles, this road veers to the right and turns into Maricopa-Casa Grande Hwy. Drive about 20 miles.
- When the road ends in Maricopa, turn right (North) on John Wayne Parkway/Hwy 347. Drive 1.1 miles.
- Turn left (North) on Hwy 238/Smith Enkie Road towards the town of Mobile. Drive 11.5 miles.
- After mile marker 33, turn left (South) on 83rd Ave.
Approach from the West (from Yuma, Gila Bend):
Note: Do not attempt to come up Vekol Road off I-8. Although it looks shorter on a map, there are some nasty washes to traverse that may get you very stuck.
- Head I-8 East.
- Take Exit 115 towards Hwy 85/Phoenix/Ajo.
- Drive about 3.5 miles onto W. Pima Street/Hwy 85.
- Just as you are leaving Gila Bend, turn Right (South) on Hwy 238/Maricopa Road towards Mobile/Maricopa. The road looks very dilapidated when you first get on it. Drive 28.7 miles.
- Turn right (South) on 83rd Ave.
- At this point, you are exactly 11.8 miles driving from Motown. Drive about 3.4 miles. Cross the railroad tracks. The road becomes a gravel road for about 1.4 miles and then becomes a dirt road.
- Turn right (West) on Schumacher Lane, also a dirt road. Drive 2.0 miles.
- Immediately after crossing the cow guard, follow the main road turning left (South) which is 99th Ave, also a dirt road. Drive 2.0 miles until you see a one room, old, dilapidated, stone structure of a small rock house on your right.
- Turn left (south) on 99th Ave which is down the small, thin dirt road. You are now 4.4 miles from the site. This remaining section of thin dirt road is very desolate and remote. You will pass two gates and get close to a mountain on your left (East) during the drive. Leave the gates as you found them (open or closed). Do not stop in the sandy areas, as you may get stuck.
- The site is a fenced area on your left (East) with a large structure on it. Enter the site from the main gate on the south side and head towards the building. Please park your vehicle in the parking area. The wide dirt stretches are active runways. Please tread lightly and drive only on designated roads.
Motown Rules:
We have a few basic safety and courtesy rules for Motown:
- Mind the active runways and launch/landing areas.
- Pilots are to remove their gear or move their aircraft off the active flight areas when not in use.
- Non-flying vehicles (cars, RV's, motorcycles) allowed only in designated driveway and parking areas. No non-flying vehicles on the runways or launch areas.
- No quads, dirt bikes, or other off-road type vehicles. We have taken great pains to preserve the runways and roads from needless abuse. And we cherish the pristine quality of the landscape. Unfortunately, an afternoon of fun on a quad or a dirt bike leaves an open wound on the landscape that can last for years. As pilots, we see this damage from the air and for many it is an unpleasant sight.
- If you want to bring guns to shoot, practice the utmost safety and respect for the environment. Be respectful of your trajectory and pick up your brass. If there is any shrapnel, fragments, or other waste from this fun, pick it up.
- Minors and pets are to be supervised at all times.
- Be respectful of the wildlife.
- Leave the area cleaner than you found it. Please take out your garbage.
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Web sites:
Latitude: 32° 55' 36.60 " N
Longitude: 112° 15' 32.72 " W
This is the site where the Arizona Flying Circus Fly-In happens each year in February. There is no other fly-in like it in the U.S. Where else could you lay around in the grass in the shade provided by the many trees and talk about PPG? Where else could you get out of your sweet hotel room, grab some grub, strap it on and get some? Wait a minute, we're going to be flying from a resort? Yep, way cool, if you haven't attended this incredible fly-in, you must do so. It's a time you won't forget and will probably return year after year.
Anyway, here is the basic info and some pix etc.
I-17 or Cave Creek Road north to Carefree Hwy
From I-17 go E on Carefree Hwy to 14th Street (From Cave Creek Road, go W to 14th)
Turn S on 14th Street and follow it to the end
Open the cattle gate and follow the dirt trail to the left, it will meander to the south
The LZ is between the two foothills and just to the south.
This road is a bit rough and best handled with a pickup or other somewhat high clearance vehicles.
GPS Coordinates, Map, & Web sites:
Latitude: 33° 46' 01.39" N
Longitude: 112° 03' 06.67" W